Monday, 13 December 2010

The Top Five: Questions about giving it all up .....continued....a bit more

Well how you must all (at least two of you following now) have missed me since the last thrilling installment! Be not afraid, I bring you good tidings of...........well, rambling on, really.

OK so let's just get the last two of the Top Five over with:- (for those who missed what they were - go back and read blog one!!! - Oh, ok or the recap below.........)

4. I bet you miss the money don't you - solicitors earn a fortune don't they?
5. So what are you going to do NOW?

The money question - well firstly solicitors really don't all earn a fortune (I promise), not if you don't have ownership of a big slice of the business and a correspondingly big risk of losing your house if the business bites the dust. As to missing the money - not that big a shock having already gone through Mr Life After Law's Great Escape, and two lots of impecunious maternity leave.  But mainly we wouldn't swap the money for the positive impact on family life of having me be devoted to one career instead of two.

and finally.............................................

So what am I going to do now????

Well, right now, I'm going to make the evening meal, check there isn't anything terrible lurking in the school book bags - homework, apple core, uniform (lightly or heavily soiled), make sure I have the fundamentals for a packed lunch tomorrow that isn't crisps and cheerios, contemplate starting wrapping Christmas presents, give up contemplating wrapping and contemplate starting a bottle of get the drift.

Dull, mundane, predictable - well yes, to a certain extent, but glorious in it's way nonetheless (in a monastic, "tend the vegetable garden and scrub monastery floors in service of a greater Truth and Beauty" sort of way) These days I don't have to know what is happening beyond the next meal or school run, really (concert/performance preparation aside but that keeps me sane!) and that is quite makes up for the total unpredictability that comes with our particular parenting package, but that's another tale.

Once more unto the breach. Or something. (Anyone got a corkscrew?)


  1. Love it, cant wait to read the next one.

  2. "A servant with this clause
    Makes drudgerie divine:
    Who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,
    Makes that and th’ action fine."
