Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Taken down in evidence....2012 resolutions

At the start of this year I began a draft blog post about my resolutions for the year.  As we are somewhat past the halfway point I found it quite illuminating to reflect on them:

"I have always found the idea of a fresh new start, a clean slate, those optimistic rose tinted resolutions very beguiling! I usually set myself some pleasingly sweeping and unrealistic targets, which I then have to re-examine after, on average, two weeks.
So this year, what should I resolve on now that I am definitely Not A Lawyer........I don't have career goals in the way that I used to.  But then, really is the way that I approach life so very different these days? No.  I still have aspirations, goals, targets, and HUGE areas for improvement!!
I'd like to tackle the impertinent weeds growing up through my previously attractive gravel patch in the garden.  It currently looks like a disheveled and unloved scruff in need of a haircut."

And that was it.

I can confirm (smugly) that I have tackled the weeds.  But why didn't I record any other major aspirations or tricky little targets? Didn't I have any? Perhaps I ran out of time to write them down.

Well I don't think that was it - and of course I did and do have aspirations.  This just over half a year has been pretty satisfying from an achievement point of view.  I've enjoyed singing in a run of The Gondoliers, and expanded my operatic concert repertoire.  I even sang my first proper opera role (Frasquita in Carmen) just this month.  And I felt like I'd climbed Everest (and, admittedly, as if I had been hit by a train).

On the parenting and autism front we've been on autism parent training, successfully made & implemented MAJOR decisions about The Boy's education and have some other exciting news which I could talk about but I'd have to swear you all to secrecy! (NO, not a bun in the oven). And our beautiful daughter is now getting some support as a sibling of SEN and she and I are having a blast spending girls-only time together (she made me ride the Sonic Spinball rollercoaster at Alton Towers and I threw up in my mouth a little bit.  Good times).

But why didn't I record any other goals or resolutions?

Well, I think probably because if there was any one motto that typifies this year it would be (say it with me) "one day at a time" - if you want to get King James on it "sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof".

I don't know what each day will hold.  But I know I can get through it and I usually have strategies these days of how that is going to happen.  And that will do for me.  For now. 

(But I want to sing Susanna in the Marriage of Figaro in the next year or two, so there!)

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