Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Normal for........

As a lawyer the word "normal" could be a source of great comfort : "well, normally in a case like this we would expect whatever-it-is, and so I think we could proceed on that basis". Of course that expectation could lead to disappointment - but then again "normally" can be your friend "well, normally, such and such would apply, but of course in this case...".

"Normal" was a friendly word, a tool. And then, I entered a different gladiatorial arena.  I became......a parent.

(I very much enjoyed Katy Brand's parody of Kate Winslet - based on her wearing red carpet dresses at all times while reciting "I'm a NORMAL  mum, I'm a NORMAL mum......Katy Brand Clip - click here)

In fact in our house the word "normal" is not a favorite.  Mainly because when you find that you fall outside it (from "normal" to officially, educationally "special")  it suddenly carries a negative overtone.

But even if you are a parent (or carer) of "normal" children (sorry!) you face constant anxiety about how "normal" (or not) they are.......all their developmental milestones are measured and commented on by reference to "within normal limits" and the range of what can be "normal" is bewilderingly wide, tall, long, and deep!

(There is also another use of the word "normal" from my childhood - as in "You know that's not normal, don't you".  Which when uttered by a Professor of Psychiatry is worrying.  Answer :Yes, I know. Am I bothered).

Now, there are various "normal for....." sayings (for example Stephen Fry's oft-quoted "Normal for Norfolk" and in our family and circle of friends we eventually coined the phrase "Normal for Boys" as quite simply the only explanation for some of the mystifying behavior that the Boys seemed to have in common.

So,  I have now decided to embrace the word "NORMAL" and come up with one all-purpose definition of any behavior you care to exhibit or observe: thusly................."Normal for ........SOMEWHERE". And so I joyfully remind myself that rearranging my mugs so they hang in a certain order and always preferring to drink out of one particular one is......yup, NORMAL  for somewhere!

My refusal to eat creme eggs if they are not chilled so the fondant is not runny, my inability to leave pictures unstraightened and my aversion to food cooked by children unless I supervised them personally - NORMAL! for somewhere.

My obsession with all things opera, with Mozart music, and even my love of Gilbert & Sullivan operettas and heroines......NORMAL for somewhere.  

My inability to hear anyone speak to me if reading a gripping book, my need to turn off sources of sound so that I'm not deluged by simultaneous cricket on the radio, cBeebies and shrieking/trampolining, my preference for labeling things in cupboards......NORMAL for somewhere.

(I think we are best served by NOT considering where the "somewhere" is that these behaviors would be considered normal.)

So whoever you are and whatever your own little quirks or foibles (so long as within legal, moral and any other limits you care to adopt!!) - relax.  You're NORMAL!

Right, I'm off to rearrange my mugs and eat a chilled creme egg.  While I watch Opera on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Marvellous. I always knew we were 'normal' for somewhere... Fabulous post Sarah, have another Creme Egg x
